Principle of spiritual success 4

Seven days to Spiritual Effectiveness



Another important group of inner conflicts which block achievement of our goals are conflicts that are result of abstract definition of the goal you want to achieve. In this chapter we will learn how to deal with them in natural way.

In order to really understand this conflicts let’s take a look at simple example.

Let’s say that your goal is to have a million dollars in a bank.

When you consider that (abstract) goal, it could be achieved in an enormous number of ways (different experiences). Some of those experiences aren't exactly what you want.

Experience of having a million in the bank could be experience of you winning a lottery and sitting on a beach drinking margaritas. This is what most of the people have in mind when they are setting a goal like this.

But it could also be an experience of being in a wheelchair with your back broken because a top manager of some multi-billion dollar company has hit you with his Ferrari on the sidewalk, and you got your million from insurance.

Even if you define your abstract goal more precisely, the problem persists.

If you defined your goal as "I want to EARN million dollars", again you have hundreds of potential experiences.

It could be a experience in which you enjoy doing a job which totally suites you, or it could be you working under terrible stress 12 hours a day, without seeing your kids during a week.

Every abstract goal can be achieved in an unlimited number of specific experiences.

Some of them are not what you really want, and that makes some parts of your being resist such goals. This is what creates some of really problematic inner conflicts about your goal.

We have solved most important of them when you noticed different additional characteristics during third step in setting up a goal (in the exercise from Day 1). But that is not a complete solution.

Complete solution is to set your goal not as abstraction but as a perfect future EXPERIENCE in which your goal will be achieved in the way which is really perfect for you. How to do that?

Again, we need to do it in few steps. Those are:

  1. Write down future experience that you will have when you achieve your goal. Imagine that you’ve achieved your goal, and write down that future experience. Key here is to make sure that you've created experience. Describe that experience as if you are living it in this moment. That text should be similar to description of movie or theater scene. You should specify the time when it is happening, the exact place, people that are present, and what is going on in that scene. Of course, this experience must be the future moment in which your goal is achieved (this is the main point of this exercise).

    For example: “I have married the man of my dreams. He is so good looking and we are so in love. ” is not an experience. But, “I am dancing with my newly wedded husband in the Ritz Hotel during our wedding reception on 24th of November this year ” is. (Of course, it should be a little longer and more detailed).

  2. Make your Goal Achievement Experience (GAE) perfect. Read the text you wrote in step 1, and ask yourself if that would be perfect experience for you. Would it be the perfect achievement of this goal? Rate it on the -10 to +10 scale (-10 being worst possible experience +10 being absolutely perfect).

    Usually your first description will not be perfect. Decide what needs to be different in that experience to make it better (to make its rating closer to +10). Add necessary sentences or remove ones that need to be changed. Do it again and again until your text is the description of the future experience that will be really perfect achievement (+10).

    After that make a small break and then do the same process again (usually you will be able to notice that it’s not really +10 and you’ll find further imperfections in your GAE after this break). Do the same few times until you are really certain that you have described truly perfect Goal Achievement Experience. Easiest way to do this is to use the rating system. As long as your rating is less than +10 (even if it’s +9.9) there is something imperfect in this GAE. Notice what is it and modify your GAE text accordingly.

  3. Add the DATE and SAFETY line at the end of your text. This is the sentence that states something like: "I will achieve this outcome, or some other, even more favorable for me, in material reality before … (here you should write deadline for achievement of your goal) a way that makes for the highest good to me and to all others concerned".


If you pay attention to the “million dollars in the bank” example from the beginning, you will immediately realize that conflicts that were possible with the abstract goal are not possible here.

If you described the experience in which you are “sitting on a beach and enjoying yourself with your wife, while really proficient manager manage the business you created”, this experience is specific and exact.

You have modify it time after time (step 2) and made it perfect. If you were concerned that your business will demand too much of your time, this idea would appear in step 2, and you would modify your Goal Achievement Experience text accordingly. (For example:”really proficient manager manage my business” could be solution for such concern).

If you feel anxiousness that you may not be able to attract new clients, you can add something like: “My business is prosperous and I have found a way to attract numerous new customers and a steady growth”. If you would feel more secure with a certain amount of money in your bank, you could add: “besides my prosperous business I have such and such amount of money in the bank, and such and such amount in shares and securities.”

In this way, the Goal Achievement Experience (GAE) you have created and modified like that will be truly perfect and attractive to all aspects of your being (all parts that were not perfect were modified repeatedly in step 2, until the experience is truly perfect (+10)).


Once you transform your abstract goal into the Goal Achievement Experience, your perception of the goal changes. This stops being abstract source of hidden inner conflicts, and becomes a efficient mental machine that motivates you to take effective actions.

It is exact and precisely defined experience which is perfectly attractive for your whole being. This makes all aspects of your being totally motivated for the work on it. All conflicts that you had are resolved by changing original experience and making it perfect. In this way you will work on your goal from this point on as a whole being, and not from some conflicting parts.

Therefore, you will stop wasting most of your energy fighting the parts that are opposed to initial goal, and will use it all in taking necessary actions for its achievement. Of course, any goal set in this way will be in total harmony with your spiritual path, and therefore your work on it will be in harmony with yourself and the universe.


Transform your initial (abstract) goal into Goal Achievement Experience (imaginary future experience you will have when you achieve your goal). Of course this means:

1. Write down future experience that you will have when you achieve your goal.

2. Make your Goal Accomplishment Experience perfect (make it 10/10). Do this step as many times as necessary (until your experience is perfect (rating 10/10)).

3. Add the DATE and SAFETY line at the end of your text.


  • Second big source of inner conflicts is that people usually define goals in abstract way. Abstract definition of a goal makes it imprecise, and doesn’t motivate you in the best possible way.
  • Abstract definition allow your unconscious mind to consider different undesirable outcomes as possible achievements of your goal, and that creates inner conflicts.
  • When you transform your abstract goal to a Goal Achievement Experience (GAE), it becomes exact and well defined.
  • When you refine it and make it really perfect (10/10) it becomes 100% attractive to your whole being (to all your aspects).
  • Having this kind of goal makes you completely engaged in achievement of your goal and all your energy focused on it’s achievement.
  • It also gives you the kind of stability that emerges from certainty and knowledge that your goal is exactly and truly what you want.


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Day Five of Spiritual Effectiveness E-Course

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